09 Feb

Can you relate? 

  • Getting into a matatu, hits the bumps so hard with each bump you are thrown up and down off the seat
  • Your parcel has been delivered late and in packaging looks squashed and no explanations or apologies offered
  • Delivery person is late, your package squashed, when asked the response is; don’t ask me, ask the boss 

 Customer service critical to the transport industry and service providers should realize days of complacency and incompetence are gone, customers put up with poor quality of service due to lack of better options, if an option were to be availed the customer would pay a premium or wait patiently in line to receive that better service. 

Companies including Sacco’s should strive to build a connection with the customers, offer them sound assistance where required, answer respectfully to their concerns or questions no matter how trivial they may seem, understand and address the emotional and physical needs of the customer.  

Every company and Sacco should be able to answer these three questions: 

  • Who is my customer?
  • What is the company selling?
  • How can the company make the customer happy

Whichever transport service the company offers, delivery services, transportation of goods or humans priority consideration is to the paying customer.  Therefore, transport service providers, remember: 

  • Good or bad customer service is a choice.
  • Customers will migrate towards good service delivery options.

Be RoadWise offers customer care courses to line managers, drivers and riders. We know the power of exemplary service delivery.  Book your fleet operators and their managers for a customer care course today.

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